Read my featured article found in
The Diabetes Council Magazine

Summer Tips
I don’t think I am a typical parent! I start getting excited for this time of year. I love the fact that my kid is getting out of school. I don’t dread this time, instead I get a lighthearted feeling when summer arrives. Perhaps it stems from the monotonous routine of daily diabetes care that […]

Travelling Tips
Hitting the road: Travel tips for life with diabetes. I love to hit the road! Last summer I took my daughter, her friend, and my dog, on a 16 day cross country road trip east to see some of Americana that we miss out on living in the west. We went through 12 states and […]

Type 1 Diabetes 504 Plan Help at School
I love helping families manage the 504 process. Sometimes, I just provide information and other times I go to bat for your kid during the meeting. Occasionally, just a little distance from the immediate emotions can make a meeting more manageable and productive. Check out the American Diabetes Association’s information for more help. Happy back […]

Helping Young T1Ds with School Mornings
As a new mom living with T1D, I admit I was a bit over-reactive. Let’s just be blunt- I was nuts! The hormones took years to settle after my daughter’s birth. No yoga class for me the next week! I was paranoid that I wouldn’t be around and in a healthy state to help raise […]